Gal dreaming of greater things

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Powerful Word

Friends you may stop reading the post after the first sentence but would you just do me a favour : Read till the end , its amazing .

Today Pst Tan gave a powerful preaching . Gen 1 verse 3 God created light and darkness , verse 6 God created sky and water , verse 9 God created land and sea . All these was created in the first three days and the forth day , verse 16 He created sun to govern the day and moon and stars to govern the night . The fifth day He created birds to fly in the sky and fish to swim in the sea . The sixth day he created animals and humans of his own image and God rested on the seventh day .
Now here is the amazing thing : If you ever notice , the things in orange are to fill the things in red . The sun is to be the light , the moon and stars is to fill the darkness , the birds to fill the sky and fish to fill the sea , the animals to fill the land and humans to rule over the animals . Everything is in the hands of God . God has his own timetable of doing things that is much greater then what humans could think of . Everything that we go through in life God has something to reveal to us . People , God is just like a torch light ,which only gives us sufficient amt of light for you to take a step or a couple of steps each time , the light will not shine over kilometres , he only reveal to us what we need to know . So guys , don't be demoralised by situations that you may be going through . Situations in God's eyes are so that something good can come out of it so just pray and ask God what actually he wants to reveal to you through the situation .


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